
Create a Landing Page That Converts | FREE LANDING PAGE TEMPLATE

Today is all about creating landing pages that convert so you can increase your influence, impact and income in your coaching business! 


And... stick with me until the end because I’m going to be giving away a FREE landing page template that you can use for your next course launch or offering,


To clear up any confusion,  a landing page is a web page that's designed to capture visitors information in exchange for an offer.


They can be used as lead magnets, webinar optins, an event invitation, or as a sales page.


The sole purpose of a landing page is to convert viewers into leads or customers. (Meaning, we want them to put in their email address for something we create, or we want them to buy something.)


Today we’re going to be talking about how to use a landing page specifically as a sales page


Maybe you’re:

  • PROMOTING an online course
  • ENROLLING new members into your membership site
  • LAUNCHING a new group coaching program
  • TAKING APPLICATIONS for an exclusive mastermind
  • OPENING UP space for new 1:1 clients in your schedule


In any of these cases, your landing page is an essential part of your sales funnel. When it comes to converting viewers into clients & students, these pages have the potential to either make or break the success of your launch. That's why we want to be sure we’re strategic in the creation process.


Now, before I share my landing page must have’s, it’s important to know that there are two main aspects to a landing page or sales page


The two things you’re going to focus on when creating are the DESIGN and COPYWRITING. Today we’re going to go into a the highlights of both, but know that this blog/video is a part of a series, where we’ll be going more in depth in each of those aspects.


Okay friend, let’s get into it! Here are my tried-and-true methods for creating a landing page that converts.


Landing Page MUST #1:

No Distractions.

First things first it’s important to understand the function of a landing page that's serving as a sales page.  The only goal of a sales page is to make a sale.


Now, sales doesn’t have to happen in a sleezy or salesy kind of a way, but the goal is most definitely to make a sale. It's important to OWN IT from the beginning so you can create with confidence. 


These are not typical webpages in that you’re going to remove anything that could potentially take them away from your sales page.  Meaning that there won’t be:

  • a navigation bar
  • menu
  • social links
  • links to an “About” page
  • or any other opportunity to click off your page. 


This is incredibly important because the moment someone clicks off your sales page, the percentage of them coming back or buying in that moment dramatically decreases.


Be sure to remove distractions, and know that the only button or link people will click on will take them to a checkout page!

Landing Page MUST #2: Simplicity.

When it comes to both your copy and design, less is always more on landing pages. Research shows that a majority of people who find your landing page will be scrolling on their phone.  


In saying that, use a simple design that makes the content scannable, and remove all the fluff and repetition because it’s just getting in the way of your main message.


Another important aspect of maintaining a simple design is to avoid any kind of visual clutter. In saying that, keep a simple white background with black text and a few pops of your brand color to accomplish that.


Landing Page MUST #3:

Speak directly to your ideal client.

When creating content for your landing page, be very obvious about WHO your sales page is created for. Think about writing to one person, not a group of people. In doing this,  your messaging will come across as much more personal, sincere and captivating.


Furthermore, you want to speak directly to these people above the fold… meaning BEFORE someone has to scroll. 


In order to determine this, you’ll want to ask yourself a few questions.

  • What are their problems and fears?
  • What challenges are they facing?
  • What are some of their most common pain points?
  • What solutions am I providing?


Your goal is to address these questions in a clear and concise way starting in your header, and then throughout your landing page. By doing so, you’re showing this person that you see them, hear them, understand them, and have the tools to help them.


Landing Page MUST #4:

Use enticing, juicy headlines.

Most people won’t read full paragraphs, but they WILL read headlines... so make them awesome!


One of the tricks to having a badass landing page is to develop headlines that are quick, direct “teasers” of what the person can expect to read about below. The goal is to use your headlines to get your ideal clients EXCITED about reading more.


The more eye-catching your headlines are, the more likely someone is to stop and actually read the rest of your content (whether that’s in paragraph form or bulleted format).

Landing Page MUST #5:

Clarity over cleverness.

Confused prospects don’t buy. That’s why one of your main goals is to clearly share what your potential client will receive. Some questions you can ask yourself to figure this out are:

  • How much time will my ideal clients need to spend on this?
  • How much time am I SAVING them in the long run?
  • What’s the overall, tangible end result?
  • What bonuses am I offering?
  • What discount will they get if they buy now?
  • What’s the overall value proposition?

Review your landing page content and see if it answers those questions, and if it doesn’t, find places where you can add in this information.


These elements will ultimately help people make a decision without talking with you, so these are essential for having a successful landing page.


Landing page MUST #6: Testimonials and social proof.

Don’t be shy - let people know about the amazing results you’ve supported your clients in getting! Putting testimonials on your landing page gives your potential client a human connection to someone who’s experienced results with your offer. 


Sharing your past clients’ success allows potential clients to see what’s possible for them. You’re giving them the “If they can do it, I can do it!” kinda feel.


3-5 are usually a good amount of testimonials, and you can share them as quotes with a photo, or as short video clips.


If possible, use specific testimonials that talk about the exact results people received from the offer you're selling. Think- number of clients, or time saved, or dollars earned, or lifestyle lived.  Whatever result you’re selling is the type of testimonial you’ll want on your landing page.  

LANDING PAGE BONUS PRO TIP* Use automation tools that do the dirty work for you!

You know I love a good automation tool, and I’m all about YOU having more time to live the life you’ve designed. Tools like Kajabi, clickfunnels, and Leadpages will make your life MUCH easier. 


These platforms have:

  • done the research
  • tested different designs
  • tried out landing page layouts
  • recommend layouts that are proven to have success! (Booyah!)


They all have simple drag and drop options, and examples to support you in increasing your confidence and motivation to get things done!


I’ve personally used kajabi for everything in my business model since 2013, including my landing pages.  I’ve tried going to other platforms, and Kajabi was hands-down the simplest I’ve used.


In saying that, CLICK HERE for a free trial of Kajabi, and simplify your business!

Oky friend, as promised, I’ve created a FREE Landing Page Template for you to use as a helpful guide for your next course launch or offer.  So go ahead and CLICK HERE to download that for FREE! 

Also, if this video was just what you needed in your coaching business, don’t forget to like IT BELOW and stick around on the blog because the next blog/video I’m dropping is all about Landing Page Rookie Mistakes and you definitely don’t want to miss it.


Until next time, keep building your empire!

XO KellyAnne



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